No wonder we're always getting lost, look at the state of Alex's metro map:
Straight off the Eurostar we headed down to Lazy Dog and checked out their new Arcade Mode game machine listening post:
This machine is as cool as it looks and it has the best new French tunes around.
No sleep and lots of running about the city means you need plenty of Perrier and AT LEAST two espressos.
Kat + too much coffee = Not a pretty sight.
Alex + too much coffee = Amazing networking machine!
By dinner we had sorted out some amazing records for the shop and made some lovely new friends. We thought we'd celebrate Paris Styleee...
Even if i do say so myself the Lost in Paris girls were looking pretty glam:
(I'm thinking about the Kings of Leon in this picture)
After eating waaaay too much amazing French food and a little bit too much red wine we hit the town with these crazy people..
(The one on the right is not to be trusted, he makes girls cry!)
What else do you do on a Sunday afternoon when you're very hungover and it's very sunny and you're waiting for the tour bus to arrive..... why you go to a ceramics museum!!
In all honesty, it's not the best ceramic museum i've ever been to but they did have some quite large pots.
Rock En Seine
I landed a good spot for the Kings Of Leon nice and early and i wasn't disapointed - they were incredable!!
Even the Cornish were out in force:
And the Bono Must Die fans:
Bromheads crew arrived to get the party started, they did some hanging about in the vip area looking cool.
This is the most rock and roll dog in the world, it speaks 12 languages and can play guitar better than Prince (it even has it's own laminate!)
Bromheads warmed up for their gig like all the pros do...on guitar hero!
Jono and Tim used their magical powers to summon the crowds:
Bromheads Jacket played a fantastic gig (their last one touring the debut LP!!)
As ever Tim couldn't help himself but crowdsurf, the hole in his jeans got obscenely larger (so i'm told!)
To end a fantastic afternoon we danced in some glitter from Bjorks pyro display.
Bjork got on the ones-and-twos:
The tiniest DJ i've ever seen!
Breakfast, of course:
Fuelled by Orangina we nailed PARIS002 wooo! (more info coming soon, keep 'em peeled)Defintely a highlight of the weekend, it's up there with kicking Marc Ronson off Guitar Hero!
Sad to leave, we saw something that would cheer anyone up:
x Kat Lip x
Friday, 31 August 2007
Paris... It was business, honest guv...
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Thursday, 30 August 2007
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
buy that man a Kit Kat
Second bit of press this week, not bad.
I guess what we haven't done yet is actually formally announce that we've started a label, that's good innit.
Our first release will be Bolt Action Five on November 12th. You can pre-order it now, HERE. We've been particularly enjoying shouting "KISSY SELLOUT HAS GOT NO DOUGH" when merry.
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Friday, 24 August 2007
Good Week, Bad Week.
A lot can happen in a week, so much so that i forget most of it and that is why i keep a blog because i have the memory of a gold fish.
* Tokyo Police Club - Cheer it On
*Kruger Magazine - who pretend they live in wales. LIES>
*Full Time Hobby Recs - who can't even speak Italian. Rubbish.
*Adam Green - "Bluebirds are so natural / I wanna buy them for my friends / Bluebirds are so dismal / And I want to trade mine in "
*Chatting to Friendly Fires, lovely chaps you could take home to your mum
*M.I.A - Paper Planes
*Spotting the drummer from Late Of The Pier and then being dissapointed that it's in fact only Ron Weasley.
*Seeing Kelly Osbourne cry
*The Shiner's kitten "Mumbles" waking me up by jumping on my face
*The Sopranos. Hell yes.
*Going to Paris - woooooooooo
*Amazing jewels:
*Rain, wind, storms, puddles
*Girl throwing up next to me on the tube
*Night bus kicking me off in Tottenham
*Peaches Geldof. Seriously, there is no need to be that rude.
*No winter shoes of any description.
*No coat.
xx Kat
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Belgium blog
Tour managing - it's flippin ace.
Well it is when you work with Bromheads Jacket, I've seen the View running around at festivals and that looks like a nightmare.
This is not Led Zep, honest
I was very happy to see Brother Wons rocking it with the Streets
The vibes were so heavy that Skinner didn't even need shoes
We were happy to find Bromheads have lots of fans in Belgium . Here they are helping Tim flount the 'no crowd surfing rules'
As excited as the Bromheads fans were, mid-gig, this is what the stage sound engineer was doing on his laptop - that's right, it's Second Life
Kings of Leon were next level.
Here's the one in the red shirt. I have a funny story about him, maybe for another time
Here's the one with the hair, he has a drummer monkey who sits by his feet
Justice were the level up. I'm almost sorry to post this picture, but it does combine evidence of the Marshal stacks and their bums
Sunset in Belgium
The evening ended with an accidental drink with one of my favourite bands, Spoon, super it was too.
One more festival to TM, I'll be sorry when it's over
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Thursday, 23 August 2007
things we like MUCH this week
REMIX: Bolt Action Five's TFTF Kissy Sellout mix
KFC item: Fillet Tower Burger
SWAP: Alex's coat for Simon's Star Wars tee
UPFRONT TRACK: Me & Mandy by Example
MEMBER OF THE KINGS OF LEON: the one in the red shirt & cuban heels
GIG: Tokyo Police Club @ Dingwalls
PG STAFF MEMBER: James, work experience
Posted by
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
Monday, 13 August 2007
Ahhh, Parklife
Field Day rolled around on Saturday and not gals to miss an opportunity to sit in a park, with beer, ice creams and good music, we found ourselves amongst friends, including
Snaggle 1 and Snaggle 2. They promise me they were stone cold sober.
What else do you have at parties in a park? Bunting of course
Erol Alkan does indeed keep the kids dancing. From our rave blanket outside the tent, we spotted these shoes of the future
It was well noted that there was not enough loos on site. This didn't bother Kat & Lucy who decided to brave the mens'. They were ladies about it all
These guys however were behaving like animals
All hail Late of The Pier
There would have been a great picture of Chromeo, but i acidently took a picture of the sky.
I'm not going to lie, things started to disintegrated at this point. The burger vans ran out of onions and cheese. However, Magnum arrived at just the right time.
A crap picture of Justice.
Daft Punk might have the pyramid, Justice bring the cross
Kat & I bolted across of London post-Justice; Kat to the Barfly to rip up the dance floor, and me to Hoxton Bar & Grill for my second disco set in a week.
Sunday was more friends and booze time, the only picture you need to see is this (mainly because it's the only printable one)
tracks of the weekend
Chromeo - Needy Girl
Micheal Jackson - Off The Wall
Late of the Pier - Space & Woods
Justice - New Jack
Posted by
Wednesday, 8 August 2007
Monday, 6 August 2007
Le Weekend
Even though we couldn't really hear anything in the DJ booth and we had to hold the headphone cable in place..
...this floor made up for it by far! Hat's off to Alex Bean:
Who whilst i drank the rider and played with lights she made the dance floor go from this:
to this:
to THIS:
with the best set of disco i've ever heard AND she did it all without puking. Hurrah!
*Tune of the night would have to be Daft Punk - One More Time (In honor of the disco floor)
*Big ups to PIMP man Dan Lewis who is not actually a pimp but works for a magazine of that name. We like his taste in headwear.
*Best moment: man with afro and flares tearing it up like we were in Studio54
*Actually best moment: spotting Fabrizio keeping it real outside of Ditch bar...
..ignited my love for The Strokes once more.
*Alex now owns the best shoes ever.
Lots of sunshine, beer and bands in shoreditch park.
Eating the best burger of my life.
Then heading indoors to watch the new Simpson movie, "spider pig spider pig etc"
Kat Power xx Lost in Paris
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