Wednesday, 30 January 2008
Tuesday, 29 January 2008
Monday, 28 January 2008
POST 100!!
haha - we got to 100 posts with posts of pop videos we really love, wobbly pictures of bands we've seen live, talking about boys and most importantly bringing you news of our unmistakable game STICKERS ON YOUR FAAAAAACE.
We've got a hit list of people to get, and this guy right here was one of those.
John Kennedy, this is your 'Sticker On Your Faaaaaaace'
ps, it's Adam Kesher week - right across the UK - get involved
Friday, 25 January 2008
do the D.A.N.N.Y
Thursday, 24 January 2008
bowl it baby...
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
Diamond Hoo Ha Men at PG Towers
Britpop ruled didn't it? My favourite Britpop band were (Blur actually, but right, right behind them were) Supergrass. I saw them many times, danced to Caught By The Fuzz many times, wore my Supergrass tshirt with pride many times, kissed boys in my local indie disco to their records - well once actually, but you get it.
Danny and Gaz came and played in Pure Groove on Saturday under the guise of the Diamond Hoo Ha Men.
This is the bit where you imagine me typing this with the biggest grin on my face.
It was amazing.
Check the video (the first installment of PGTV no less)
Hats off to the boys and the gorilla who did a better job of interviewing them then Paxman ever could.
Sunday, 20 January 2008
Friday, 18 January 2008
Wednesday, 16 January 2008
enough with all the boys with girls names already,,,
We like music, I'm sure you like music (or are you just looking at our page for a chuckle at our latest drunk pictures?) So just for the sake of it, here's a few bands we're tipping for 2008
We saw these guys play in Manchester last October and not only were we captivated by their gold and black coordinating outfits but they dropped a Prince cover into their set (and very well) which is more then enough to hold our attention. To date, their only release has been a white label with remixes by Tepr and Frankmusik, not a bad start at all
Kat & I have mentioned that we quite like Metronomy in just about every post on this blog so far - so here's the side project from bassist Gabriel. Joined by our very good chum James, Charlie Alex March and even Sir Joe Mount - Your Twenties sounds like Phoenix having a love-in with The Shins. It's pretty, it's summery; they'll be one of our bands of the year - no doubt.
Ok, well you may have noticed that we’re putting them out, the quite wonderful Happy Vandals EP since you asked, but we have good reason to shout; THEY'RE FLIPIN AMAZING.
Imagine Liars having a full on scrap with Daft Punk with the Velvet Underground cheering them on from the sidelines and we're not even close. They're playing 5 shows in the UK at the end of Jan - I'd strongly advise you to be there.
Using another of my amazing fighting-bands analogies; The Yell sound like B52s kicking the arse out of The Fall. Don't tell me that doesn't excite you.
There's big rumors doing these parts of a debut album on the way and if anyone's seen the mad-scientist antics of singer Idle Hans on stage, they'll confirm that they're worth hollering about (hehe)
For about 2 days last year I decided that my fondness for stripy jumpers and black eyeliner meant I could go 'Emo', but hey, my hair just isn't quite straight enough and my male friends have thinner legs then me.
I came away from my brief brush with Emo with a lasting love of The Xcerts, a band from Scotland and Exeter, via Brighton - I'm not crap at geography, it's true.
Simply superb. And very skinny.
Ok, this one is cheating a little. Obviously he's been around for ages, winning my heart with his blend of Jewish-Rap, collaborating with Fiest waaaay before she advertised iPods, dueting with Peaches and writing beautiful piano concertos. He also provided my gig highlight of last year (the only person who could make me chose between him and Daft Punk and win).
Ok, the snippet from Soft Power on myspace sounds a bit, well, odd, but I bet I'll love it regardless. All hail Sir Chilly Gonzales
Saturday, 12 January 2008
Yeah, okay I know it's nearly February...
..but I'm going to do my round-up of 07 anyway. Thought I'd interview myself...
What was your greatest musical discovery?
Vampire Weekend, Lykke Li and Primary1
Best live act you saw in 2007?
Can't decide. It's between; Prince, Battles and the Kings Of Leon.
What one song will always remind you of 2007?
I Am Somebody - DJ Mehdi
The best Festival moment of 07?
Beating Marc Ronson on guitar hero and watching bjork DJ.
Who will be a success - deservedly or not - in 2008?
Hmmm Adele, twelve thousand people that sound like Kate Nash.
Who should be successful in 2008?
Lykke Li, Whitey, Primary 1 and Metronomy
And because a round-up blog isn't really one until you've done a few lists...
Top 5 Cover versions
The Worlds Greatest - Bonnie ' Prince' Billie (R Kelly)
Umbrella - Mechanical Bride (Mandy Moore)
Stress - Fucked Up (Justice)
Moonage Daydreamer - Of Montreal (bowie)
Hurt - Jonny Cash (Nine INch Nails)
Top 5 Guilty Pleasures
Let's Dance - Bowie
Starfish and coffee - Prince
Sexyback - Justin Timberlake
Off the Wall - Jacko
Rio - Duran Duran
Top 5 Remixes
As Above, So Below - Klaxons (Justice Mix)
Oh Word? - Beastie Boys - (Leo Nevilo Mix)
TFTF - Bolt Action Five (Kissy Sellout Mix)
Love Stoned - Justin Timberlake (Justice Mix)
Song 4 Mutya - Groove Armada (Kissy Sellout Mix)
(Thanks to The Fugitve Motel zine, from who I nicked most of the questions)